
Shop Talk: Member Meeting

Tue, Apr 1, 2025, 6:30 – 8:00 PM EDT
Saratoga Joinery, 69 Caroline Street, Saratoga Springs, New York, USA Map
Shop Talk: Member Meeting

All Saratoga Joinery members are invited to come to the shop for an expert-led presentation followed by open discussion and problem solving. Members are encouraged to bring questions and/or projects that they'd like to share or get assistance on.

Topic: Eric Diem will continue his series on the design and build of a Japanese-inspired tool tote. Participants can expect to use both power and hand tools and to see demonstrations on various ways to accomplish a task. Each week is a stand-alone class so people can attend any week and gain knowledge. All levels of woodworker welcome - from beginner to advanced.

This is a free event. Registration is required.



Eric Diem

Board Member

Contact us


Saratoga Joinery, 69 Caroline Street, Saratoga Springs, New York, USA


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